Because Time is Money, so hire the Best!
“Timeis gives you credibility, they also help deliver and provide what is needed by the bank. Travis and his team executed independently to help establish our bank partnership which allowed me more time to focus on running my business.”
Austin, Tx based Funded Startup CEO
Building First Class Service Offerings
Embedded Finance Products
Human errors account for 80% of problems with processing insurance claims, find ways to solve these challenges and improve margins with the simple steps you can take to be ready for embedded finance.

Faster Payments
FedNow - RTP - Visa Direct - MasterSend
Property owners have struggled for years to solve the simple act of “Paying Rent”. Delayed payments, friction filled banking processes and frameworks like ACH and Paper Checks have only complicated the receiving end of the equation. Faster Payments changes all that, allowing you to instantaneously get the funds and improve your cash flow.

Rewards & Customer Loyalty
When you customer is instantly rewarded or able to use a discount at the point of sale, these little things matter, it makes your customer feel special and valued as a customer. Building trust is what Timeis is all about, we help you build trust with your customers

Customer Onboarding
Nothing more satisfying than winning money and being able to turn around and spend that “found money” immediately. Unfortunately due to the heavily regulated banking industry, getting access to your funds, especially from an online platform could take days!

Digital & Crypto Fintechs
Understand how to establish financial controls on your business to protect yourself! They don't limit your scale of growth, it helps protect the founders and the team from bad actors that don't have your best interest or the company's at heart.

Restaurants were hit the hardest during the pandemic. An industry that already operates on laser thin margins, pays millions of dollars monthly just to accept credit and debit card payments from their customers. Find out how adding new faster payment options can greatly reduce your cost of doing business.