Because Time is Money, so hire the Best!

What's your Number?
Have piece of mind as you go to market that your product offering is compliant with regulation and the federal government isn't coming to arrest you for money laundering not realizing your fintech customers are actually bad actors using your company as a personal ATM machine.
Know the gaps in your system before they do!!
Pre-Audit Compliance Assessment
Being blind to your compliance gaps is like not having enough money in the bank. Its going to become a problem sooner or later!
The score is broken down into 3 Tiers of validation
Tier One - Identification of Inherent Risk & Internal Control Assessment
Tier Two - Quantification of Risk & Internal Control Assessment
Tier Three - Evaluation of Internal Control Implementation
(Quantification of Risk, Internal Control Assessment, Targeted Transaction Testing)

What's in a Score?
Our rating structure is a balance between regulatory adherence of the Bank Security Act rules for AML & KYC mixed with the companies maturity and the products and services they are offering.

I never realized how much our compliance procedures could help us get funding and scale.